How Is Alfalfa Cultivated?
By @admin

How Is Alfalfa Cultivated?

Alfalfa is grown not only in our country but also around the world as fodder for cattle, camels, horses and sheep. So, how is alfalfa cultivation done? Let’s continue with the answer to our most important question.

Alfalfa is a perennial forage plant that provides very rich nutrients in protein, vitamin and mineral care. Clover loves moisture and light. Especially in clay and black soils, more efficiency is provided. On the contrary, acidic, stony and waterlogged soils are definitely not suitable for alfalfa cultivation. Alfalfa is a delicious plant with high nutritional value, especially for farm animals. For this reason, farmers dealing with animal husbandry provide their own production with alfalfa cultivation.

Since the soil on which the cultivation will be done is correct, it will increase the yield considerably, so soil properties must be taken into consideration.

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  • March 9, 2023

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